FAO in China


On 8 March, GIAHS experts from 4 different countries introduced 5 GIAHS sites to the students of the Service Design course on Reshaping the Future of GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) on the Metaverse. FAO experts, GIAHS specialists, and students and professors from Tsinghua University participated in the class...
Beijing - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Representation in China and Pinduoduo Inc. jointly held a webinar on how smart agriculture can bolster food production and security. The webinar Smart Agriculture in China: Role of Digital Technology in Agriculture aims to: a) explore and discuss the...
I. Background: The Global Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth Portal (GPIG) (http://south.china.org.cn) is a knowledge sharing platform for international poverty reduction information and poverty reduction and development experience of China. GPIG specializes in providing information of policy research, country profiles and news on poverty reduction and inclusive growth to governments, institutions and groups that focus...
1月26日,“联合国可持续发展目标示范村”项目(示范村项目)在线上举办中期评估会。评估会对项目进行了阶段性的回顾总结,并对后期工作提出了建议。 示范村项目由@联合国粮农组织 与@广发证券 、中华农业科教基金会合作开展。在中国农业农村部国际交流服务中心的协调下,项目通过“互联网+农业+金融”的创新模式,在16个示范村开展农民田间学校辅导员培训,探索农产品包装及品牌建设,整合电商平台销售农产品,在实践中助力从脱贫攻坚到乡村振兴的有效衔接。 联合国粮农组织驻华代表处助理代表张忠军强调,在项目后期,粮农组织将继续推动落实村级培训,加大项目点的农产品品牌推广及电商销售对接,做好项目经验与模式的总结,积极打造“全球减贫样本”,与其他发展中国家分享,助力实现联合国可持续发展目标1(无贫困)。 示范村项目是粮农组织在中国实施的第一个由私营领域全额资助的项目,是多方合作助力乡村振兴和可持续发展的良好典范。广发证券项目首席代表李勤表示:“自项目落地实施的两年多时间以来,各方克服了新冠疫情带来的挑战,组织并推广了内容丰富、形式生动的项目活动,取得了良好成效。” 中华农业科教基金会积极发挥平台作用,按计划完成资金拨付、预算审核等工作,保障了项目工作的顺利开展。基金会副秘书长吴山民表示:“我们将继续积极参与相关工作,共同推进项目进展,进一步促进农业农村现代化发展和长期可持续发展。” 农业农村部国际交流服务中心副主任徐明表示:“我相信在粮农组织、广发证券、中华科教基金会和地方政府的共同支持下,项目的优秀做法将能被有效复制和推广。” 示范村项目自2019年7月启动以来,结合各试点村的实际情况,邀请相关领域专家,累计培训农村基层辅导员300余人,受益村民超过2000名。
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has signed an agreement with the Chinese Government officially launching Phase III of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme.The General Agreement was signed by the Director-General of FAO, QU Dongyu and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the...