Office of Communications

FAO and Facebook

About Facebook

Facebook is a social networking web site found at Individual users establish their own personal profiles, connect with friends and acquaintances, and share information and content of all kinds, including live video.

Companies and institutions use Facebook, too – as a means of interacting with customers and interested followers – for fundraising, disseminating news, driving traffic to their corporate websites, and generally building their brands. Users who like what they see on an organization’s Facebook page can either like or follow. When an organization posts news via Facebook, its fans can react and comment directly on the page, or can share the post on their own profiles.

FAO's presence on Facebook

FAO’s corporate “fan page” is a dynamic presence with thousands of fans worldwide and growing every day. It is ranked one of the top UN pages in terms of followers and boasts over 1.7 million followers. The objective here is to position FAO, amplify its messages, and illustrate its mandate and priorities in a balanced way with the overall aim to engage the general public, especially the youth, in working towards a food secure world.

As it has continued to grow, the Facebook corporate fan page is one of the key platforms for mobilizing support for FAO and its work.

This page is managed by the Digital Team in OCC, with daily posts in different languages and targeted posts depending on the targeted audiences.

Creation of additional country pages is allowed upon request. Please contact [email protected].

FAO’s policy on Facebook

For the Organization

The Organization’s aim is to nurture and increase the present follower base through a lively communication approach that presents the Organization’s activities and priorities in an engaging way. As the fan base continues to grow, Facebook has become an ever more important platform for mobilizing support for the Organization and its objectives, especially among the general public. 

FAO teams and offices are invited to support the Organization-wide Facebook profile, by promoting the link on their web pages when and where they consider it appropriate, and proposing content to be posted on FAO’s corporate Facebook page. Since not all material is suitable for Facebook, the social media team will evaluate the information and the key messages and decide which target audience and, therefore, channel is more appropriate for the request.

For employees

Employees with personal Facebook accounts are welcome to share anything they find interesting or topical from the FAO web site or from the FAO Facebook page – especially news and multimedia – with their Facebook friends.

Even with their personal Facebook accounts, FAO employees in all categories are asked to observe the ground rules for use of social media at FAO.

Resouces and References

Social Media Branding Guidelines [EN]

Tips on managing FAO’s official Facebook accounts (internal) [AR] [EN] [ES]