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SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
TCP/BIH/3902 Field-level testing and agronomic evaluation of new sweet cherry varieties in Sub-Mediterranean Herzegovina 2022 2024190,000$
SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
EP/BIH/018/GEF Creating an enabling environment to support the implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) target in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2023 2025843,242$
EP/BIH/019/GEF Strengthening capacities of Bosnia and Hercegovina towards enhanced UNCCD monitoring and reporting 2022 202491,324$
GCP /BIH/015/GCR Identify investment options for climate change adaptation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NAP2) 2023 2025453,533$
GCP /BIH/012/GCR Developing the capacities of Bosnia and Herzegovina for an effective engagement with the Green Climate Fund 2022 2025649,641$
UNJP/BIH/013/UWN Women driving resilience in agriculture and rural areas 2023 2025671,000$