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International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)- Produced about the work of the Improving Productivity and Market Success (IPMS) of...
Every year around the globe 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted, that is a 1/3 of all food produced for human consumption.
World Milk Day 2013 A Healthy and Prosperous Southeast Asia:Where Fits Dairy?
World Milk Day 2013 A Healthy and Prosperous Southeast Asia: Where Fits Dairy?
The Murghab district is populated by semi-nomadic communities, mostly of Kyrgyz origin. People living in the highlands of...
It’s quite extraordinary that Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa and home to almost 200 million people, does...
Egypt is the driest country on earth and with its growing population it is now more vital than...
Presentation delivered by C. Banga (ARC) during the African Symposium on “Animal identification and recording (AIR) systems for...
This film tells the story of a four-year project that is mitigating and measuring the risk of mycotoxins in maize and dairy products for poor consumers in Kenya.
This film shares the experience of building an innovation platform to support dairy production in Tanzania. Two development sector experts talk about the Tanga Dairy Platform and how it...
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