Director-General updates Oversight Advisory Committee about FAO’s latest developments

18 November 2020, Rome - The FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today addressed the opening session of the 56th meeting of the FAO Oversight Advisory Committee (OAC), which held its second virtual gathering in 2020 following the previous one in July.
In his remarks, the Director-General updated the Committee about FAO’s latest developments both internally and externally.
He affirmed that the safety and wellbeing of FAO staff will continue to be treated as top priority amid the COVID-19 pandemic, in coordination with the decisions taken by the authorities in Italy and other host countries. He also noted that the Organization has adapted to the new normal, and it is now more efficient, dynamic, innovative and effective, speeding up delivery all across the world.
Qu reaffirmed that FAO’s Management is fully committed to combatting all forms of harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, sexual exploitation and abuse of authority. In this sense, he has established an internal Task Force on Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PSH) and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).
The Director-General also alluded to the outline of FAO’s Strategic Framework 2022-2031, highlighting that it is fully anchored in the 2030 Agenda and especially guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 (No poverty), 2 (No hunger) and 10 (Reduced inequalities) while mentioning other key SDGs like SDG 14 (Life below water) and the interconnectedness of all SDGs. The proposed Framework also puts at its center the strategic narrative of Leaving No One Behind through sustainable, inclusive and resilient agri-food systems to achieve the four betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life.
He mentioned the launch of the comprehensive COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme, the Food Coalition, the Hand-in-Hand Geospatial Data Platform and the Earth Map, and noted that the Hand-in-Hand Initiative is moving ahead, with high engagement by FAO Members, and it is already supporting 30 countries to end poverty and all forms of malnutrition.
The Director-General also referred to the celebration of FAO’s 75th anniversary on 16 October, including the first-ever virtual World Food Day celebration in Rome with the participation of Pope Francis; Italy's President Sergio Mattarella; Lesotho's King Letsie III; Spain's Queen Letizia Ortiz and UN's Secretary General Antonio Guterres. FAO’s 75th anniversary was also marked through an innovative video mapping and light projection show on the FAO headquarters building and the Colosseum.