Bilateral meeting with His Excellency Suzelin Rakotoarisolo Ratohiarijaona, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Madagascar

Rome - Today the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, met His Excellency Suzelin Rakotoarisolo Ratohiarijaona, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Madagascar, at FAO headquarters in Rome.
The Director-General welcomed the Minister and congratulated him on his recent appointment. The Director-General thanked the Minister for the longstanding support of Madagascar to FAO and expressed his hope for a more strengthened cooperation.
The Minister thanked the Director-General, conveyed his appreciation for the meeting and congratulated him on his re-election for a second term. The Minister stated that Madagascar has a long history of collaboration with FAO and reaffirmed the intention of the Government of Madagascar to continue strengthening the cooperation.
The Minister informed that Madagascar was facing the challenge of the locust plague, and that the Government was working towards reaching remission status with the implementation of a four-year plan to eliminate the locust plague, and to restructure the government’s locust programme.
The Minister further stated that Madagascar had launched an off-season crop and requested FAO’s support to have rice as an off-season crop.
The Minister also informed that Madagascar had started a census for agriculture and requested FAO ‘s technical assistance with data collection, working through the Technical Cooperation Programme.
In his response, the Director-General affirmed that Madagascar could continue to count on FAO’s support, including through the Investment Centre for the resource mobilization needed, and through South-South Cooperation to help the country improve rice production and the livelihoods of small farmers.
The Director-General also raised the importance of aquaculture and stated that it must also be improved as it plays a pivotal role in improving farmers' livelihoods.
The Minister stated that he looked forward to increased collaboration with FAO and confirmed the Government’s commitment to transform the country’s agrifood systems.