Director-General QU Dongyu

COP25: Accelerating Action on Nature-Based Solutions Together in 2020

by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General


COP25: Accelerating Action on Nature-Based Solutions Together in 2020

Madrid, Spain

11 December 2019

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to thank UNDP and UNEP for organizing this event together with FAO. During COP25, it is a good opportunity to work together. But first we have to stand together.

Just an hour ago, we had a ceremony together with my friend from UNDP and the German government, which wants to do action with a cooperative project that can help build a resilient system for agricultural food system. Because we are now preparing to transform the agro-food system.

And last month I went back to have talks with my colleagues in China, including the Minister for Environment. And we are also going to prepare some kind of panel between the Minister of Environment and the Minister of Agriculture and Food. We need to make this resilience adaptation culture aligned with Member Countries’ demands. At FAO we are working in 195 countries but the most important thing we have is to prepare a holistic design. We need to do that together with the UNDP and others to get an alignment, and then natural resources should be properly designed with new technology and new innovation approach.

Second, transforming food systems means that we have to restructure the food production chain, value chain, and supply chain. It is not like traditional agriculture. And the only solution is innovation. Innovation of science and technology, and also innovation of the approach. For that we need to work together, think together and design together. Then we can have more indicators which are related to the new approach.

For that, within the FAO system we want to restructure our units and governance to be more open, more inclusive and more candid. So we are ready to work together. I also think that every ecosystem should be preconditioned for new food systems. And as of biodiversity, it is the basic element for food diversity, which all of us need.

So let’s take action now and think better, thank you.