Paris Peace Forum "Strengthening the multilateral health architecture (One Health High-Level Expert Council) and fighting against infodemics"
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
« Strengthening the multilateral health architecture (One Health High-Level Expert Council) and fighting against infodemics »
Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
By video
Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. “One for all, and all for One” is a well-known saying from French literature and very appropriate to the discussion today on multilateral action to improve health security.
2. Recognizing how human, animal and environmental condition are ultimately connected, we might adapt the saying to “One Health for All, and All for One Health”.
3. One Health is not a big slogan, or an empty concept.
4. The approach has had a demonstrated success when applied at community level, in high-risk settings where spillovers of wildlife infections occur.
5. The Tripartite Organizations – WHO, FAO and OIE - have developed a range of support tools to assist their members in assessing their needs and establishing functional One Health platform at technical level.
6. To address the full range of root causes and the processes within which diseases emerge and spread in an increasingly interconnected planet, we need to apply the One Health approach to the great challenges, particularly those at the interface of agricultural sectors - including livestock, crops, forests, fishery – and agricultural spaces.
7. FAO recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability as a key determinant of a long term “One Health for All”; as we share One Planet.
8. We welcome the idea of a “High Level Expert Board” to assist the Tripartite and UNEP in focusing attention on critical issues that require a multi-agency, multi-lateral action.
9. It could advise us on how to contribute most effectively to improving environmental health and facing risks from the human-agriculture-environment interface.
10. Such a high-level expert group might be formed at the comprehensive Level composing by leaders, prominent academics and representatives from private sectors as an independent science panel to support our One Health efforts.
11. We need to prioritize our joint efforts to bring the planet back on track towards sustainable Health - and leaving no one behind.
12. Colleagues and partners: let me close with the wish that we might all say “All for One health, and One Health for All; since United we stand, but divided we fall”.
Thank you.