Statement by the Director General of FAO QU Dongyu - II CELAC-China Forum for Agriculture Ministers
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
II CELAC-China Forum for Agriculture Ministers
Mexico City
As delivered
Distinguished hosts of Mexico and China,
Distinguished delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- I thank the honorable Ministers of Mexico and China for inviting FAO to this CELAC- China Forum.
- The COVID 19 pandemic has aggravated growing inequalities in this region. Because of the pandemic, we have estimated that a return to the indicators of the 1990s is possible, there is possible a 20-years setback in the fight against hunger.
- I see with great optimism through CELAC's renewed activities, political coordination, dialogues and cooperation with other regions of the world.
- China has expressed a firm commitment to cooperate for economic growth focused on shared prosperity, protecting the environment and the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- President Xi Jinping, in opening the International Forum “One Belt, One Road”, reminded us and I quote, “Development is the primary key to solving different problems. To promote this initiative, it is necessary to focus on the fundamental problem of development, unleash the growth potential of each country, make economic integration and interconnected development a reality, and be able to enjoy the results together. ”
- Now we have to act. We need transforming our agri-food systems to provide food security and better nutrition for all, be economically sustainable, inclusive, and have a positive effect on the climate and the environment.
- From the beginning of the pandemic, FAO insisted that we should keep international trade open and running; that agricultural production and trade work in harmony to prevent the health crisis into a food crisis.
- The CELAC countries are a pillar of world food security producing 13% of the world's food, but it contributes with 45% of global net food exports.
- Data show us that, in low-income countries, investment in agriculture - especially family and small-scale farming - has a greater impact on poverty reduction than investment in other sectors.
- Trade can boost farmers' productivity and income. It encourages their participation in markets and value chains and contributes to greater efficiency in the use of natural resources.
- Each country or region has its own advantages derived from the natural conditions, which favor the production of certain agricultural products that are uniquely competitive in the world market.
- At the recent FAO regional conference for Latin America and the Caribbean cited four highly relevant issues: innovation, international and interregional trade, strengthening partnerships with the private sector, and adaptation to climate change.
- The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated levels of digital transformation, across all sectors and geographic regions, which would have taken years to achieve. Digitization has brought us closer by a global sharing economy.
- Innovation is not just about new technologies, but is also about financing, networking and new business models to accelerate the transformation process. In this, FAO is working to support our member countries.
- Private investors are key players to make reality.
- At FAO, we have recently approved a modern FAO Strategy for Engagement with the Private Sector, which enables us to enhance our strategic partnerships for jointly achieving the SDGs.
- building green and inclusive agri-food systems is one of the most powerful ways to recover from the current crisis by better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life.
- FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery program is already underway.
- FAO has accompanied the efforts of CELAC, initially in an impact analysis in order to determine the effective regulatory instruments in relation to the sustainability of food systems and food security in the context of COVID-19.
- This support has benefited 17 countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Belize, and the small island states of the OECS Caribbean).
- In addition, we supported the organization of two hemispheric meetings of Ministers of Agriculture, where it was possible to identify and exchange the main innovative measures in the context of the pandemic.
- The Hand in Hand Initiative will help us do this, starting with the most vulnerable.
- The multi-sectoral and partnership-focused approach at the country level is at the core of the Hand in Hand Initiative, which aims to reduce poverty by enhancing agricultural potential by investing in innovative, inclusive and productive value chains and creating human capital.
- Through this Initiative, we developed the Geospatial Platform, the Data Lab for Statistical Innovation, and the Earth Map companion app, developed with Google, which provides Members with valuable real-time data to help support the adoption of strategic decisions.
- I am pleased to announce that with the Pro Tempore Presidency of Mexico we are already in the final phase of approving an ambitious regional program to support the recovery of food systems in 12 countries of the region, with support from the FAO-China Fund for South - South Cooperation.
- On behalf of FAO, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Chinese government for its strong support to the CELAC COVID-19 response and recovery project.
- The project will promote knowledge sharing and development exchanges, based on China’s advanced experience in the field of digital agriculture.
- In addition, this project will support the design and set-up of the CELAC-China-FAO Digital Agriculture and Rural Development Facility in FAO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean to establish the technical and knowledge foundation for the promotion of digital solutions in the region.
- FAO will continue providing its full support to the transformation of agri-food systems in CELAC and to defeat hunger and poverty together.
- Thank You.