UN High-Level Interactive Dialogue on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
UN High-Level Interactive Dialogue on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
29 April 2021
Opening Segment
FAO Director-General, Dr QU Dongyu
As prepared
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. I thank the President of the General Assembly, for inviting me to this important and very timely dialogue today as we are indeed at a tipping point.
2. Due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), drug-resistant infections are placing an ever-increasing burden on human, animal, and environment.
3. AMR is becoming more and more visible complex threats to global health, food safety and food security, potentially also leading to substantial socio-economic damage.
4. But we can turn this around – if we act coherently, swiftly and decisively.
5. We need to keep antimicrobials working.
6. Simply waiting for new drugs is not an option because of the extraordinary cost and complexities of research and development.
7. Without effective essential medicines, the spread of infectious diseases threatens to escalate out of control.
8. FAO expects a 45% rise in the global demand for animal proteins by 2050.
9. So we must face the double challenge of meeting this increasing demand while reducing the risks of AMR.
10. To produce, process and deliver affordable and accessible healthy diets through efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems that are in harmony with nature.
11. To strengthen multi-sectoral collaboration; support capacity building; and promote prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials across agriculture and food sectors.
12. Addressing AMR threats requires collective efforts from a wide range of stakeholders, including ministries of health, food, agriculture, and those responsible for the stewardship of our shared natural resources including academic and the private sector.
13. I am encouraged by the increasing number of Members, who have introduced exemplary policies, are undertaking concrete actions and are demonstrating a strong political willingness to combat AMR.
14. The Tripartite of FAO, WHO and OIE together with UNEP and others is working to mobilize a movement for change.
15. By providing adequate mechanisms so that stakeholders from across the world can come together in shaping the vision and ambition of collective action.
16. Make mechanisms such as the Global Leaders Group (GLG) on AMR and the Partnership Platform for Action Against AMR and others more effective.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
17. To achieve impacts we need to promote an effective and coordinated One Health approach at all levels, involving all related parties.
18. This means moving from high-level conversations to practical actions on the ground to bring changes.
19. To accelerate the needed action, the Tripartite calls for more funds, in-kind contributions and resources to scale up operations globally and at country level.
20. Only by working together, our World will be better for generations to come.
21. We can build back better and stronger for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind.
22. We are determined to noble mission for One Health World without hunger and poverty.
23. Thank you.