WORLD FOOD FORUM (WFF) Global Flagship Event Closing Statement
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
Global Flagship Event
Closing Statement
Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
21 October 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Young Friends,
Dear Young at Heart,
1. I wish to start by saying that I appreciate all the efforts from my colleagues, led by the two Chiefs, the Chief Economist and the Chief Scientist, with the full support of the Deputy Directors-General, the Assistant Directors-General, D-2s and D-1s, Ps to the G Staff, including the cleaning services, the food provider services and security.
2. Thank you to all of you!
3. We should also not forget all the silent heroes who support us. Not only in Italy, in Rome, but all over the world, because we had more than 200 events on the ground, at the national, sub-regional and regional level.
4. That is why the other day I shared my advice with young people – you need to do more and better with big passion.
5. That is why we encouraged leaders and government representatives, Indigenous Peoples, the private sector, academia and civil society to join us here in Rome.
6. The Ambassadors and the Permanent Representatives this week had to go beyond their participation in the FAO Governing Bodies with happiness to come together with all shareholders, working together for our farmers, for consumers and for all FAO Members.
7. Today’s ceremony is a reflection of the exciting times we’ve had this week, but as my colleague from IFAD said we also need to be a little bit boring to calm down – we cannot keep up all this excitement. It’s not good for the not-so-young-at-heart!
8. We have had two very intense weeks, also together with our sister agencies IFAD and WFP, and I wish to sincerely thank all of you for your cooperation and your efforts.
9. In particular, I wish to thank the participants who traveled from far to be with us.
10. As the Asian philosophy says, we had a good start, and now this is part of the new start, it is not a close or an end. It is a cycle. I am not making closing remarks, I am starting a new cycle.
11. As the FAO Chief Economist and Chief Scientist said: “we will improve” - for sure!
12. This is an evolution, an evolution to transform our business model to fit-the-purpose of FAO, and the Rome-based Agencies (RBAs).
13. Our Members, farmers and consumers need deliverable, tangible, reliable and professional information and outcomes, and deliverable service on the ground.
14. Now, the World Food Forum needs to be translated into action, across generations and across sectors.
15. From civil society, farmers, farmer organizations, consumers and consumer organizations up to the politicians – Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers and Vice-Ministers, Experts and scientists, heads of international organizations, and of the private sector.
16. It is a true exercise of coherent working together – this is the real breaking of silos.
17. We need to work together in synergy, and in an agile, efficient and effective manner to reach out to all our stakeholders, in all corners of the world.
18. I am so inspired by your collaboration, leadership, inclusivity and coherence.
19. And I am impressed by the many ways in which policy, science, technology, innovation and investment have converged to spark the actions we need for a better future.
20. As a young child I enjoyed playing with fireworks, and the most beautiful part was when the fuse sparked – that’s when the most beautiful fireworks started!
21. Over these past few days we have sparked the fuse. This is the start of the momentum, bringing together friendships, collaboration and solidarity.
22. I always believe in a brighter future, sparked by the energy of the young and dynamic generations.
23. I even saw the young-at-heart colleagues dancing with more joy than the young people themselves!
24. This is the real power of innovation, the real power of creativity and passion.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
25. This is just the start.
26. I say it again: this is just the start for young people, and for the not so young, some even over 85 years of age!
27. For example, the Holy Father has never wanted to be part of the senior people. He has always followed the movement of innovation and be juvenile.
28. Three years ago, together, we had the Roman call for Artificial Intelligence (AI) right here in Rome.
29. So you see, it’s not about age, it’s about opening yourself up to learning by doing, and doing by learning.
30. And of being willing to continue learning for your whole life, because Wisdom does not only comes from Knowledge. Wisdom comes with the process of Knowledge and Experience – and this process is led by Thinking Deeply.
31. It is not only about following misinformation or fragmented information.
32. Nowadays, we face a digital world, and we can easily be misled by this type of incomplete information.
33. Therefore, we need systematic thinking, a systematic process of information coming from wisdom.
34. Let us keep this momentum going - once a week, once a month, or once a year!
35. Next year, 16 October (World Food Day) is on a Monday so we can have a full World Food Day week with new version of World Food Forum (WFF), together!
36. I wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy life, with your loved ones, your families and your friends.
37. Thank you.