WORLD FOOD FORUM 2023 Opening of the Global Youth Forum Opening Remarks
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
Opening of the Global Youth Forum
Opening Remarks
16 October 2023
Dear Friends and Colleagues of all ages,
Hello from Rome!
It has already been an exciting and very full day with the World Food Day celebrations and the Grand Opening of the World Food Forum earlier today.
We have heard so many inspiring speeches, with a lot of great perspectives and moving insights.
I just want to say a few words on the importance of youth and share my excitement about all the valuable and innovative insights youth and the young-at-heart bring to the table.
The challenges that exist in the world today are sometimes created by outdated ways of thinking.
The youth have inherited these challenges – in particular climate change - and their ideas and perspectives must be heard, so we can come up with solutions together.
Youth must have a say for defining their own future. This is not negotiable.
We are not only talking about the future, but we are also talking about Right NOW.
The youth will be the masters of the future, and for that they should play a crucial role in the dialogue on the priority topics that shape the future TODAY.
We must change our ways of thinking, acting and working together across generations and across different backgrounds, if we are going to transform our agrifood systems and take impactful climate actions.
I am so delighted to see the young generation everywhere stepping up to make these changes a reality.
They bring passion and urgency to these causes.
Young people are showing us new ways of relating to one another, and demonstrating what it means to be truly inclusive.
Young people are also bringing new energy, ideas and creativity in innovation and entrepreneurship.
They are showing dedication, determination, and passion for learning and experimenting different solutions for a better life and better future.
They are developing and leveraging new technologies for the benefit of all.
This Global Youth Forum was created by and for the youth, and it has taken on an incredible power and energy.
The Youth are demanding seats at decision making tables and changing policy dialogues surrounding food and agriculture.
I look forward to discovering out-of-the-box ideas, actionable solutions, and exciting projects that will be presented at the Transformative Research Challenge and Startup Innovation Awards.
I also see real commitment in this Forum to education.
Young people are educating and empowering themselves, and others.
They are doing the work that can create much-needed behavioral change at the individual and social levels.
And as we have seen at the art exhibition and will experience in the film festival and the many concerts and gastronomic events throughout the week, young people are leveraging culture to transcend all boundaries and mobilize people across borders and cultures.
I am proud and honored to officially open the Global Youth Forum!
And please have a good time and joy it!
Thank you!