The Rome Promise
At its 22nd session in June 2014, the Committee on Forestry (COFO) requested FAO to “undertake, within the framework of the FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) and contingent upon the availability of extra-budgetary funding, a global assessment of the extent and status of drylands forests, rangelands and agrosilvopastoral systems”.
To speed-up the implementation of the COFO request above, FAO organized in January 2015 with partners inside and outside FAO a first drylands monitoring week under the theme: “Monitoring and Assessment of Drylands: Forests, Rangelands, Trees and Agrosilvopastoral Systems”.
During the event, several international agreements and initiatives calling for restoration of degraded lands were highlighted. Participants also highlighted that an appropriate and sustainable monitoring and assessment system, including a comprehensive baseline and participatory approaches, is necessary for effective management and restoration of natural capital in drylands.
In their conclusion of the event, participants committed to the “Rome Promise on Monitoring and Assessment of Drylands for Sustainable Management and Restoration” and corresponding actions including to:
- Form an open-ended collaborative network or community of practice to advance monitoring and assessment of drylands, including an understanding of their users; communicate the value and importance of drylands monitoring to relevant stakeholders, including policy makers and resource partners; and
- Develop a dynamic road map.
The full text is available here.