
Posts on the topic "extensionists"

Posts on the topic "extensionists"

  • Azerbaijan gets digital with “eagro”

    Electronic Agricultural Information System – e-agriculture in Azerbaijan Currently, the sector accounts for less than 10 percent of the country’s gross domestic product and employs around 40 percent of the population. To further develop the agriculture sector, the government of Azerbaijan has adopted a strategic roadmap on agricultural production and processing in 2016 that foresees the establishment of an integrated electronic information portal was one of the major targets aiming to create a unified system that incorporates basic principles of the data management to form a comprehensive...
  • Launch of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA)

    Thursday, 26 November | 15:00 Rome time (CET)| Register here The State of Food and Agriculture , one of FAO's major annual flagship publications, aims at bringing to a wider audience balanced science-based assessments of important issues in the field of food and agriculture. Each edition of the...
  • The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) Regional Launch in NENA

    The United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019 - 2028 Regional E-Launch in the Near East and North Africa Region Tuesday, 24 November 2020 at 11:00 – 15:00 (GMT+2) To attend, please make sure to register using the below link: Registration Link For more information, please check the concept note...
  • Four Key Findings: Smallholder Farmer Use of Mobile Phones for Agriculture

    ICTWorks published a guest article that summarizes the research findings on Smallholder Farmers Use of Mobile Phones for Agriculture. The research was done in Kenya and examined the use of ‘m-services’ by farmers. The study-examined factors affecting the likelihood of Kenyan farmers’ adoption of m-services specifically related to agriculture and livestock information, buying and selling products, and alerts about agricultural or livestock activities.The findings were that:- Farmers are using apps, but adoption is low Digital divides exist in wealth, gender and education Women lag (slightly)...
  • Invitation to the session "Connecting youth-led digital solutions to FAO programmes" at AGRF 2020

    You are cordially invited to the FAO-CTA-Generation Africa side event at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2020 ( www.agrf.org ) on "Connecting youth-led digital innovations to FAO Programmes in Africa". Please see attached the agenda . The event will take place on Monday, 07 September 2020; at 11:00 - 13:00 Kigali Time/CET (9:00-11:00 GMT). Link: https://fao.zoom.us/j/95977952776 Meeting ID : 959 7795 2776 Password : 327560 VERY IMPORTANT - In order to attend any of the AGRF sessions you must register as a participant and registration is free: https://agrf.org/agrf2020
  • TAAT @ AGRF2020: “Agricultural Technologies for Feeding Cities”

    TAAT Clearing House specially invite interested participants to the high-level session on “ Agricultural Technologies for Feeding Cities” at this year’s African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) . The session will be held on the 7th of September 2020 from 17h00 to 18h30 (EAT). Organised by the Alliance...
  • WSIS Forum Final Week

    The final week of the Virtual WSIS Forum 2020 takes place on 7-10 September 2020, consisting of policy statements, interactive high-level dialogues, a WSIS Prize ceremony, a ministerial round table as well as a series of WSIS Action Line facilitation meetings. The WSIS Forum programme is completely...