
Posts on the topic "drones"

Posts on the topic "drones"

  • MOOC:Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission

    Wageningen University & Research is offering an exciting M OOC on Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission . Learn how to prepare and execute a flight mission with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and how to use, process and understand the collected drone data for your own applications. Who is it for? Although the course was initially made for agriculture technicians, researchers or graduate students from multidisciplinary technical fields, everyone that aims to learn how to use an off-the-shelf small drone for generating a high-resolution image from a field, or...
  • Call for Good Practices in Digital Agriculture (or e-Agriculture) and Digital Agriculture Solutions

    Call dates: 14 November 2019 to 31 January 2020 The FAO Digital Innovation Team through the e-Agriculture Community of Practice is calling for submission of (i) Good Practices or Promising on the use of ICTs and digital innovations in agriculture , and/or (ii) Digital Solutions in Agriculture . The aim of the Call is to enable members to share experiences, solutions, lessons learned and recommendations on various digital agriculture-relevant topics from the members of the e-Agriculture Community of Practice and beyond. Selected Good Practices and related experiences will be published and...
  • The Global Emergence of Community Drones (2012-2017)

    A recently published paper overviews the use of drones in the past decade. Authors Nicolás Vargas-Ramírez * and Jaime Paneque-Gálvez *Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Antiguacarretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701, Morelia CP 58190, Michoacán, México Abstract The use of drones with or by communities—what we call community drones—has emerged globally over the last decade to serve diverse purposes. Despite a growing academic interest in community drones, most experiences have been documented as gray literature and there are still no publications...
  • A spotlight on the FAO Digital Services Portfolio

    The FAO Digital Services Portfolio is a project that was started in November 2016 in Rulindo, Rwanda and Tambacounda, Senegal.The project included the development and distribution of 4 mobile applications to smallholder farmers. This project comes as a realisation that digital services are changing how farmers work and also from the understanding that ICTs can maximise various social support services for farmers – such services include rural advisory services, financial services and social protection programmes, access to market information and disease control. The four apps were the Cure and...
  • Digital Agriculture Transformation Seminar

    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has organized the Digital Agriculture Transformation Seminar which will be held on the 12th and 13th of June, 2019. The theme of the seminar is 'The challenges to be addressed'. The two day seminar will focus on the transformational digital technologies such as smart phones, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-based services, and smart and prediction technologies such as artificial technologies and interconnected data-driven systems such as blockchain technologies. The purpose of the seminar is to foster an exchange among stakeholders (policy-makers,...
  • ICT Update 90 focuses on Women and Digitalization in Agriculture

    In sub-Saharan Africa and indeed in most of the developing world, women form a greater part of the agricultural labour force. There is potential of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to include women fully in the agricultural systems. The recent ICT Update 90 focuses on Women and Digitization in Agriculture and chronicles the work that The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has done within the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP). The interventions deal with CTA’s contribution to rural economies, the growing advancements in digitization and lessening...
  • CTA Project 'Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the ground' showcased

    The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTAs) project, ‘ Transforming Africa’s Agriculture: Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground ” was this week showcased at FAO headquarters in Rome, at the IFAD Governing Council Meeting. Besides the stand display, there was a presentation on the last day where drones for agriculture were presented. This project was nominated for the WSIS Prizes 2019, category AL C7 – E-agriculture , whose voting is underway at the time of writing. About the project CTA is assisting African start-ups in acquiring capacity to deliver Unmanned...
  • e-Agriculture webinar on the impact of technology on sustainable agriculture

    The e-Agriculture and Aerobotics invite interested individuals to participate in this webinar below:- Title: The impact of Technology on sustainable agriculture Date : 7th of February 2019 Time : 16:00 hrs (Rome Time) [ What time is this? ] Register here Abstract Annually, farmers lose 15% of yield due to pests and diseases, for example this would equate to more than $300 million in South Africa alone. The rise of precision agriculture can not only reduce this loss and increase yields but also ensure that action is taken in a sustainable manner. How can modern technologies such as drones and...
  • High Level Panel – Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2019

    Utilizing the Power of Digital Innovations for youth, smallholders and family farmers. The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany) and is hosted by the European Commission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO is sponsoring a high level panel on, Utilizing the Power of Digital Innovations for youth, smallholders and family farmers Background to the highlevel panel The world faces unprecedented challenges affecting the sustainability of agriculture and the livelihood of millions of...