
researchers News and Events

  • Transformative Research Challenge

    The 2022 Transformative Research Challenge (TRC) aims to inspire research and innovation in sustainable development to end hunger and transform our agrifood systems. In order to gather as many applications from around the world, the deadline has been extended: research teams now have two more weeks to share their innovative idea to transform our agrifoods systems. Applications for the second edition of the one and only WFF research competition are now open until Monday 20 June 2022. Teams of young and young-at-heart researchers are invited to submit a two-page concept this new deadline,...
  • Smallholder farmers would benefit from an online trading platform, FAO study finds

    In the Republic of Moldova, creating a single online trading platform for small-scale agricultural producers could improve sales and market access, thus increase growth and economic competitiveness. Returning migrants could benefit, too, and become agents of change thanks to their digital skills, as well as inspire other farmers who are still reluctant to adopt and use online solutions. These are the main conclusions of the first feasibility study on the development of an e-commerce platform for small and medium-sized agricultural producers, including returned migrants, in the Republic of...
  • Register to attend the WSIS Action Line C7: E-Agriculture "ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience: through digital skills for youth and women in agriculture"

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in conjunction with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) invite interested persons to attend virtually and in-person (for those already in Geneva) the following WSIS Session: Theme "ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience: through digital skills for youth and women in agriculture" Time Thursday, 2 June 2022 14:30–16:15 (UTC+02:00) Time Conversion Attend in-person : Room C1, ITU Tower Building ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland virtual : Register here for zoom details About the session This hybrid-session...
  • FoodTech Innovation Revolution: The 2022 Game-Changers

    The Data-Driven and Digital Team is excited to launch a new, monthly FoodTech Innovation Webinar Series! To register click here About the webinar FoodTech is the intersection of agriculture, food, and technology along the value-chain from harvest, storage, processing to distribution and retail...
  • Vision for the future: transition to digital agriculture

    Digital technologies impact the entire food system, everyone involved, and bring significant benefits to agriculture. They empower farmers to access information, markets, and finance, unlocking economic and employment opportunities and increasing efficiency and transparency across value chains. While digital technologies can bring a significant contribution to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they also pose economic, social, and ethical challenges, with particular regard to the responsible use of data. Governments can play a critical role in creating the...
  • WSIS Forum 2022 Opening Ceremony

    The Opening Ceremony on 15 March 2022, 13:00-14:00 CET , will inaugurate this year’s WSIS Forum, which will be held under the theme of “ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience: WSIS Cooperation for Accelerating Progress on the SDGs” . From 15 March onwards, the Forum will take a virtual...
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    Date : 11 February 2022 Science and gender equality are both vital for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Over the past decades, the global community has made a lot of effort in inspiring and engaging women and...
  • What’s cooking? Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System

    The Worldbank Group has recently published a new edition on “ Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System ” as part of the What’s Cooking series. The Agriculture and Food Series is intended to prompt public discussion and inform policies that will deliver higher incomes, reduce hunger, improve sustainability, and generate better health and nutrition from the food we grow and eat. This publication was supported by the members of the Digital Development Partnership, a program within the World bank. What’s cooking? Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System – an overview What’s Cooking:...