FAO in Egypt

FAO Celebrates World Soil Day 2019 with students and farmers in Fayoum


Fayoum, Egypt - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Egypt, in collaboration with the EU Funded project on Good Agricultural Practices in Fayoum, celebrated the World Soil Day in Kasr El-Gebaly village, Fayoum, under the theme “Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future”, with 70 students from primary classes, Agriculture School and from the Faculty of Agriculture at Fayoum University along with rural women and farmers.

The celebration was inaugurated by Dr. Rabee Mostafa, Head of Agriculture Directorate, Fayoum Governorate; Dr. Mohamed AbdelMonem, Senior Advisor at FAO Regional Office; Dr Mahmoud Shendy, Prof. of Soil Studies, Faculty of Agriculture at Fayoum University; Mr. Mohamed Sherkawy, Village Local Unit Leader; and Mr. Ramadan Aly, Head of JRDP/EU Project Management Unit.

Supporting the event were also community leaders such as Mr. Mohamed Abdalla, the Village Mayor; and board members of the Village Community Development Association.

In his welcoming address, Mr. Rabee Mostafa expressed his appreciation to the efforts being exerted by FAO and EU through the GAP Fayoum Project and highlighted the importance of soil as a living organism that needs to be maintained to ensure healthy growth of plants. He said highlighted the principle of “Feed the soil and not the plant”, and therefore, emphasizing the need to stop soil erosion because of as invaluable heritage that is the basis for sustainable agricultural production.

In his turn, Dr. AbdelMonem explained the purpose of celebrating Soil Day worldwide and that is to raise public awareness about the importance of soil and how to maintain it. He also highlighted the importance of the fertile top surface. “It takes about a 1000 years to from 2-3 cm of fertile soil surface”. 

During the celebration, students planted trees in the courtyard of the primary school and its related nursery as well as in the backyard of the Agriculture School of the village. Moreover, primary school students participated in a drawing competition of which top 5 drawings were selected as the best, but all participating students were awarded a seedling that they need to plant at their homes – this action being one way to stop soil erosion.