In Depth
FAO assistance in Egypt is shaped by the 2023 - 2027 FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF), which is centered on three Government priority areas: Strengthened human capital through equal access to quality services, social protection and social justice ensured for all people, Enhanced people-centred inclusive, sustainable and environmental economic development driven by productivity growth, decent jobs, digitalisation and integrating the informal economy, and Enhanced climate resilience and efficiency of natural resource for all people in a sustainable environment.
Upcoming events
- 24 Oct: World Food Day.
- 23 Oct: Inception workshop Project “Improved Socio-economic Status, Food Security & Empowerment of Vulnerable Rural Communities”, Minya.
- 20-23 Oct: Research and Demonstration workshop on “climate smart agriculture and agricultural biodiversity”: innovation and development of sustainable solutions.
- 13 -17 Oct: Cairo Water Week 2024.