From less food loss to better market access, renewable energy technologies are key
Modern, efficient agri-food systems depend on reliable access to energy, from farm to plate.For many developing countries, limited access to energy can hinder the development of modern agro-processing industries, prevent farmers from producing higher value products and be a major [...]

Innovation, Technology and Data: Key to achieving energy and food security
Innovation, the complex process by which products, services and activities are renewed and brought up to date by applying new processes and introducing new technologies, is very relevant to agriculture. Innovation in agriculture cuts across all dimensions of the production [...]

Three sustainable energy solutions for food production and places where they are used
Energy: it is used for cooking, heating, electricity and transport in many places around the world. But did you know, it also has a central role in putting the food on your plate?
Globally, the agri-food value chain consumes 30 percent [...]

Zambia - Striving to increase energy access in agriculture through sustainable bioenergy solutions
14/05/2021 Zambia
In the search for alternatives to fossil fuel-based energy, FAO has been supporting the Zambian Government in developing and integrating sustainable bioenergy in the agriculture sectors
The recently published report ‘Sustainable bioenergy potential in Zambia: An integrated bioenergy food security assessment’ [...]

Sustainable bioenergy – vital to foster Africa’s food system
The 8th Bioenergy Week and Study Tour for Capacity Building forum concluded its three-day deliberations, calling for bold measures to boost investments in sustainable bioenergy supply value chain development, with a vigorous engagement of the private sector.
High-level speakers across governments, African [...]

Food systems account for more than one third of global greenhouse gas emissions
The world's food systems are responsible for more than one-third of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, according to a pioneering new study published in Nature Food.
Spanning from land-use change and agricultural production to packaging and waste management, food system emissions were estimated at [...]

FAO and IRENA join forces to boost renewables in food and agriculture
Abu Dhabi/Rome, 12 January 2021 – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) have today underscored their continued commitment to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy technologies in agri-food, fisheries and [...]

Sustainable and affordable energy solutions for refugee and host communities in Uganda
24/12/2020 Uganda
In consultation with Uganda’s Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and representatives from both the refugee and host communities, FAO launched a new project “Greening the humanitarian response in Uganda: Sustainable and affordable energy solutions for refugee and host communities”.
The [...]

MSc students trained to use FAO tools to assess the viability and sustainability of bioenergy
As an integral part of climate change actions, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) assists countries and partners in defining strategies and solutions to enable access to modern and clean forms of energy, as a contribution [...]

Energy access in emergency: success factors and obstacles in three Eastern African Countries. An evaluation of FAO energy projects in humanitarian settings
A recent UN report on Key success factors and obstacles for FAO energy projects in humanitarian settings reviewed FAO’s energy-in-emergency work carried out through the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) initiative. The programme focuses on countries’ energy needs [...]