Manuals and Guidelines

06 December 2024
Specific areas of Bulgaria, Greece and Türkiye have historically been at high risk for incursion of Foot and-mouth And Similar Transboundary animal diseases (FAST). The latest FAST outbreaks in Thrace region of the three countries...

26 January 2023
The purpose of this manual is to explain how the Transboundary High-Risk Area Coordinated Epidemio-surveillance Programme (THRACE) database and the probability of freedom model operate and provide a comprehensive user guide for the web-based data analysis and...

29 November 2022
These guidelines are intended to be used by veterinary contingency planners in foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) free countries. The concepts presented can also be adapted to other animal health threats. These guidelines provide recommendations for the...

05 July 2021
This guide is intended to be used by veterinary risk managers who are responsible for risk communication planning. It may also be of use to communication experts who are responsible for animal health risk...