The overall objectives of the EuFMD training programme are to support the capacity development of Veterinary Services and animal health workers to improve preparedness for management of FMD And Similar Transboundary animal disease (FAST diseases) emergencies by EuFMD Member Nations (MNs), reduce risk in neighbouring countries and sustain and enhance progress in the roll-out of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) global strategy.
Training for EuFMD Member Nations
The EuFMD training programme for Member Nations is demand-led, and courses are held according to the interest of the EuFMD training focal points.
A training menu is discussed with the MNs at the start of each biennium and each MN is allocated a specific number of Training credits. MNs decide how to spend the credits by selecting activities that best suit their priorities.
- A minimum of 20 percent of training credits must be allocated to activities delivered remotely (online);
- A minimum of 30 percent must be allocated to activities/tools that will facilitate the cascading of the newly acquired knowledge.