30th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC)
“Sustainable Forests for a Sustainable Future”
02/10/2023 - 06/10/2023

The Hyatt Regency Sydney Hotel.
Purpose of APFC
To advise on the formulation of forest policy and to review and coordinate its implementation on the regional scale; to exchange information and advise on suitable practices and action in regard to technical problems, and to make appropriate recommendations in relation to the foregoing.
Session documents
- APFC/2023/REP Report of the Thirtieth Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission
- APFC/2023/1 Provisional Agenda
- APFC/2023/2 Rev.1 Sustainable forests for a sustainable future
- APFC/2023/3 Forest and landscape restoration in Asia and the Pacific
- APFC/2023/4 Rev.1 Forests and biodiversity: a focus on primary forests
- APFC/2023/5 Building resilience to climate change: a focus on forest fires and pests and diseases
- APFC/2023/6 Report of follow-up activities to the recommendations and decisions of the Twenty-Ninth Session of the Commission
- APFC/2023/7 Update on global initiatives and processes of relevance for the Commission
- APFC/2023/8 APFC Governance Review
- APFC/2023/9.1 FAO forestry strategic planning
- APFC/2023/9.2 Input to FAO governance
- APFC/2023/INF.1 Information Note
- APFC/2023/INF2 Provisional timetable
- APFC/2023/INF3 List of documents
Rules of Procedure
Adopted at the Fifth Session (1960) and amended at the Sixth (1962), Tenth (1977) and Twenty-second (2008) Sessions.
Open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO, whose territories are situated wholly or partly in the Asia-Pacific Region as defined by the Organization, or who are responsible for the international relations of any non-self-governing territory in that Region. Membership comprises such eligible Nations as have notified the Director-General of their desire to be considered as Members.
The 30th Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission will be hosted by the Australian Government:
Dialogue Day
Field Trips
Overview of the week
For general inquiries, confirmation of attendance and any other matter, kindly contact:
Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff
Secretary of the Commission
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Kallaya Meechantra
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific