Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

Focus Area 3.2 Sustainable food supply chains to achieve healthy diets in the context of economic, social and environmental sustainability, and climate change
Sub-focus Area 3.2.3 Promoting nutrition within agriculture and food supply chains

Recommendation Number: 3.2.3.e

Governments should support market information systems that provide timely, accessible, transparent information about food-related market transactions, including enhanced tracking of current and future supply stocks and price data including for local and territorial markets, where possible and appropriate. Governments should support agricultural economic research on topics which may include trade and impacts of government policies. Further monitoring and market studies on underreported commodities including those with a major impact on nutrition and neglected and underutilized crops should also be developed.

The identified documents have been grouped into four categories: UN evidence-informed documents, UN normative guidance documents, UN operational/technical guidance documents and other documents that have been published by non-UN bodies.