Family Farming Knowledge Platform


In Peru, family farmers represent over 80% of the total 2 million 230 thousand agricultural units (AU), according to the Family Farming National Strategy 2015-2021 (MINAGRI 2015). In other sectors, the rate rises to almost 100%. Also, more than 3 million (83%) of the 3.8 million agricultural workers, work in this sector. In six sectors of the country, agricultural workers account for over 50% of total departmental, and in seven over 30%. Therefore, the Family Farming (FF) is vital for national development. In Peru, the agricultural sector generates 30% of national employment and accounts for over 20% of GNP in some regions.



Family farmers are made by small producers that live in extreme poverty, accounting for 90% of total agricultural units, which handle on average between 2 and 3 acres. Family farmer households are distributed by: 51% on the coast, 92% in the mountains and 83% in the jungle. In 2012, 30% of farmers are women.

In Peru, even though family farmers constitute much of the poor population and are vulnerable to food insecurity, they generate about 80% of foodstuffs in Peru, not only in quantity but also in quality, providing a variety of foods with nutritional value. The FF provides great diversity in foods and in nutritional value, often exceeding the varieties found in the industrial agriculture. However, because of a monotonous diet, 51.7% of rural children under three years suffer from anemia. The departments with the highest rates of chronic malnutrition also have high levels of consumption. Some family farmers dedicate a small portion of their land for subsistence and the rest are devoted to trade which presents more diversity in their diet.

This text is kindly provided by the authorities of this country

Family farming lex

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