منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Implementation of WAW international typology

Synthesis report of seven national case studies (Argentina, Brazil, France, Madagascar, Malawi, Nicaragua, Vietnam)

With the support of a small grant from IFAD which complemented financial and human support from FAO, France and CIRAD, WAW was able to elaborate and test an international typology of agricultural holdings. The latter is a core task under the WAW methodological framework in order to 1) facilitate the comparison between different holdings, and 2) address the monitoring of transformations to inform policy debate at country level. Both aspects shall contribute to enhance poverty analysis and policy formulation, highlighting stakes and the needs of the most vulnerable groups. At an initial stage the WAW typology was based on a single distinguishing criterion, the labor usage, thus identifying three main types of holdings: family, patronal and corporate. The family holding referred to farms with essentially family labor and occasional hired temporary labor. The patronal holding included farms with family and permanent hired labor (i.e. at least one permanent hired worker). The corporate holding comprised farms with exclusively hired permanent and temporary labor (CIRAD, 2013).

السنة: 2014
النوع: تقرير
لغة المحتوى: English

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