Armenia Country Strategy 2012–2020
Priority sector of the new Country Strategy for Armenia is agriculture. The choice of this sector was primarily guided by the objectives of poverty reduction and socially and environmentally sustainable development. With the end of the Soviet Union, Armenian agriculture gradually became less significant, losing important export markets and government support, as the former kolkhozes and sovkhoses were transformed, in the course of several privatizations, into small agricultural entities. The resulting structural problems – dominance of small and subsistence farmers, low productivity, lack of access to modern technologies, information and modern distribution methods, bank credits and other financial services, inadequate public services and bad infrastructure – have not been overcome to this day. Soil erosion primarily caused by ill-suited agricultural practice and overgrazing constitutes a severe problem with relation to the proper use of land. A significant part of the land is threatened by desertification. Distrust in agricultural cooperatives rooted in memories of the collectivist past hinder efforts to raise output productivity. Besides the urban unemployed, isolated internally displaced persons and single mothers’ households, it is rural populations which are most severely affected by poverty. Rural poverty is also a main cause of rural-urban migration und emigration. Remittances of seasonal and permanent emigrants represent a sizeable share of national income.