منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Agroforestry as autonomy tool

The perception of the ecological base's family farmer

The  unfolding  and  effective  progress  of  learning  and  technology  about  the potential  of applying the tools of ecological agriculture combining real interests between the interfaces of food production, biodiversity  conservation, and  natural resources reveals the important  role that  it plays  in  the  context  of  family  farming  management.   The  sampling  for  this  study included the use of one of the available tools suitable technology  for ecological agriculture, the agroforestry. The research effort of this study was to cover an area of three distinct regions of  the state  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  and  within  them  seven  different  cities:  Dom  Pedro  de Alcantara, Morrinhos do Sul and Maquiné on the northern coast of Rio Grandedo Sul; Ipe and Antonio Prado in the mountain region, and the cities of Tupandi and Harmonia in the Caí valley. The purpose of this study favored the interdisciplinarity and reflects the general trends of  the demands  of  knowledge  in  our  society,  asserting  the  importance of  environmental studies and the search for subsidies for areas that focusing on theissue of sound management of natural resources. In this respect, our procedure contains the awareness of the impact of human action in one of the activities which most change the earth systems, the agriculture. As research tools we used interviews, photographic documentation, participative observation and a  field  diary,  The methodology  utilized  was  the  Actor  Oriented  Perspective  which instrumentalized  the  capture of  the  perceptions  of  farmers  and  their  feedback  about agroforestry tool. The data were classified to provide a reading practice from the viewpoint of respondents about the tool agroforestry, and as a result we found by multifunctional logic of family  farming,  a  group  of factors  that  support  the  technology  as  economically  possible, environmentally responsible and socially equitable, and therefore it may, be provided as an effective and convenient tool for the management of productive areaswhich wish to apply the principles and technologies of the ecological agriculture. In addition, this tool also reflects an ethic approach on  the land  use  issue land  use as it  increases natural capital, autonomy and conscious  management  of  local resources and  contribute  as  a  complementary  manner  for processes of sustainable rural development.

الناشر: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
المؤلف: Marcos Abrahão Cardoso
مؤلفين آخرين: Fabio Kessler Dal Soglio
المنظمة: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
السنة: 2012
البلد/البلدان: Brazil
التغطية الجغرافية: أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي
النوع: كتاب
لغة المحتوى: Portuguese

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