منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

A Study of the use of ICT Among Rural Farmers

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can revolutionize Indian farming sector and can benefit all farmers including small landholders. Agriculture is the most important sector with the majority of the rural population in developing countries depending on it. The traditional approaches of agriculture being adapted, has numerous challenges in terms of production, marketing, profit etc. The challenges of the traditional agriculture are addressed significantly by using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that play an important role in uplifting the livelihoods of the rural small landholder farmers. ICT helps in growing demand for new approaches. It also helps in empowering the rural people by providing better access to natural resources, improved agricultural technologies, effective production strategies, markets, banking and financial services etc. This article explores the role of ICT in agricultural sector.

Title of publication: International Journal of Communication Research
المجلد: 6
الإصدار: 3
المؤلف: K. LOKESWARI
السنة: 2016
النوع: مقال صحفي
لغة المحتوى: English

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