Policy responses to COVID-19 crisis in Near East and North Africa – keeping food and agricultural systems alive
A review based on the FAO Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) database
There have been numerous economic difficulties felt by several countries in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) in recent years, generating difficult and region-specific challenges for the food and agriculture systems of the region. The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent economic crisis made a bad situation worse. This report does an extensive review and analysis of policy decisions made by 19 governments in the region in response to the COVID-19 crisis, from March 2020 to May 2020. The broad range of policy decisions were reviewed based on the Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) database, complemented by information on disruptions of food and agriculture systems and related policy responses provided by regional and country offices. Results from the review indicate what were the major policy responses from most countries in the region, including common policy responses targeting consumers and producers. It further shows that the magnitude of measures implemented in the region is characterized by a somewhat foreseeable divide between oil- and gas-rich countries and all other NENA countries. Benefiting from this consolidated analysis of the regional policy response, the report draws insights and provides general recommendations that may feed the policy debate at the national, regional, and global levels, facilitating better-targeted policy support and contribute to economic recovery with coordinated policy responses across countries.