Estonian Rural Development Plan (ERDP) for 2014–2020
The objective of the preparation and implementation of the Estonian Rural Development Plan (ERDP) for 2014–2020 is to support Estonian rural development in a manner that is complementary to other measures of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (for example, direct supports and market organisation measures), cohesion policy and the European Common Fisheries Policy.
Additionally, the Ministry of Agriculture wants to help to raise the competitiveness of agriculture, improve the sustainable management of natural resources, improve the climate action, and ensure balanced territorial development of rural areas through the implementation of the development plan.
During the period from 2014–2020, rural development policy will be, at the level of the European Union, involved in common strategic framework along with the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. At the national level, partnership agreements, negotiated and agreed on with the European Commission, are prepared as a part of the joint planning for the implementation of these funds.
Estonian Rural Development Plan for 2014–2020 is implemented through the measures, which are based on the needs and objectives identified during the preparation of the development plan. In total, it is intended to implement over 20 (sub)measures within the framework of the development plan.
The Ministry of Agriculture involved the representatives of its social partners in the preparation of the development plan.