Caravan - An integrated ‘systems’ approach for dryland agroecosystems
This issue of Caravan presents some successes of the collaboration of scientists and other stakeholders from ICARDA and national partners, where participatory research with local communities and women’s groups in particular, has reaped a range of benefits through an integrated systems approach. These examples demonstrate a path forward for sustainably enhancing agricultural productivity and improving the livelihoods of communities in dry areas
Issue: 29
ISSN: 92-9127-469-3
Organization: International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Other organizations: Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
Year: 2013
Country/ies: Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific, Near East and North Africa
Type: Journal
Full text available at:
Content language: English