Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Integrated Crop Management Vol.13-2010

An International Consultation on integrated Crop- Livestock systems for development - The way Forward for Sustainable Production Intensification

A new kind of sustainable intensified agriculture based on CA is emerging and new production systems often also include trees grown as hedge rows to control grazing and provide habitats and fuel, or include trees as strip crops with annual crops rotated in adjacent strips. Trees in crop-livestock systems often add significant synergistic values. Innovations that can strengthen the multi-dimensional role of integrated crop-livestocktrees systems and their resilience are taking place and there is a need to share this knowledge more efficiently and to build jointly owned research and development programmes to achieve critical mass of expertise and financial resources focused on helping farmers in major agro-ecologies

This proceeding of the electronic and face-to-face Consultation held early in 2010 is just a first step. AG is committed to facilitate effective development, focused on sustainable production intensification of crops and of livestock and their integrated systems – at the farm level and also area-wide integration -- such as at the community or watershed levels. We look to Embrapa, IFAD, World Bank, IICA, the CGIAR and many others to join with FAO to help set up a facility and shared program of work to move a better agriculture forward and to do so quickly; as every day is a hungry day for over a billion people.

Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-92-5-106839-7
Type: Book
Content language: English

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