Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Small ruminant production systems in north Lebanon: technical and economic analysis

 study was conducted to evaluate small ruminant production systems and productivity in the northern area of Lebanon. Fifty-one small ruminant holders were monitored over two years focusing on the technical and economic situation of the herd. Another 19 farmers were covered by a technical and economic questionnaire of analysis in accordance with the Recueil d'indicateurs de fonctionnement des systèmes laitiers proposed on the Cirval website ( The average number of head per flock is 72 for sheep and 61 for goats. The analysis revealed many systems of production: subsistence, sedentary, semi-nomadic, transhumant and intensive (the last one being the least important). 50% of the sheep holders and 59% of the goat holders have farms less than 1 ha. 20% of the sheep holders and 15% of the goat holders do not own land. Cultivated areas for pasture are absent in Lebanon and the main source of pasture is the Mediterranean rangeland and forest. The main sheep breed is the Awassi with fat tail and mixed production of meat and milk. The average production of ewe's milk is around 190 l/head. Goat is mainly from the local population Baladi with a double production of meat and milk. Average goat milk production is around 140 l/head. Lamb and kids are slaughtered at around 50 kg of body weight. Milk is marketed in the traditional way without any formal process of collection. The main expenses are due to the feeding when supplements are used or to the range rental.

Title of publication: Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens
Issue: 70
Page range: 111-116
Author: Ch. Hosri
Other authors: M. Nehme
Organization: International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
Year: 2006
Country/ies: Lebanon
Geographical coverage: Near East and North Africa
Type: Journal article
Content language: English

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