Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Demographic and occupational dynamics and the social reproduction of family farming

A case study at the Municipality of Praia Grande - Santa Catarina

This dissertation covers the social reproduction of family farmers in the community of Praia Grande, Southern region of Santa Catarina, facing the trade expansion of family agriculture and the  socioeconomic  transformations  derived.  Focus  is  given  on  the fall  in  income  and agricultural employment, shaped mainly from mid-1980 on, within the concept that in rural studies it is called “New Rural” or "New Countryside". It is characterized by an agriculture based  in commodities  linked  to  agribusiness,  a  set  of  non-agricultural  activities  and  "new" activities / occupations located in niche markets. A framework which reduced the manpower employed in the field and makes the farmers less dependent on income from agriculture, as well as spending less time engaged in these activities. There is a wide range of new income sources, such as pension and other non-agricultural sources that consolidate multi-activity as a strategy  among  members of  rural  families.  Such  dynamics  are  determined  by  a  new configuration of rural / urban space, where urbanization grows in cities such as Playa Grande, predominantly rural in the past. The starting point of the research is in the 1970s to today, corresponding to the period marked by conservative modernization of agriculture in Brazil to the new dynamics carried currently. That modernization affected the way those farmers lived and worked, because there was an increase on the commercialties, affecting the labor market, changing  activities  /  occupations  performed, and,  especially,  their  reproductive  strategies. Commodification  in  this  study  is defined  as  the process  of reducing the autonomy of  rural families and increasing their insertion in circuits that deal with commercial exchanges. In this process,  the  strategies  of  social  reproduction  have become  increasingly  dependent  and subordinate, expanding commercial interaction according to the characteristics of the social and  external  economic  environment.  Thus,  in  Praia  Grande,  an intense rural  exodus  was generated  between  1970 and 1990  which  presented  the  feature of expelling entire families, given  the  increasing  fall  of  rural  employment,  empowered  by  a specialization  production, especially in the formation of supply chain based on rice cultivation. Yet, in recent decades (1990 to 2010), new arrangements are made in search of employment and income. This has generated a "selective" exodus which sends to towns the younger population (working age), favoring  the female  ones,  generating  the  phenomena of  masculinization, aging in  the  field, and individualization of the production process. In this scope, the contribution of this work fits  in  order  to  understand  the  social  reproduction  of  family  farmers,  in  this  pattern of development. Both from a structural perspective of the trends imposed by this environment commodified,  and  of  goal-oriented  actors,  identifying  the  reactions  engendered  by  them, given the diversity of family farming and its repertoire ofstrategies. In addition, this study aims  to provide  support  for  implementation  of  public  policies  for  the  development  of  this region.

Publisher: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Author: Tiago Moraes Silva
Other authors: Carlos Guilherme Adalberto Mielitz Netto, Leonardo Xavier da Silva
Organization: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Year: 2011
Country/ies: Brazil
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Case study
Content language: Portuguese

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