Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Technology for improved income of smallholder pineapple producers

Pineapple is by far the most important crop within the horticultural sub-sector of the Ghanaian economy. The crop employs over 15,000 individuals out of which 40% are women and generates rural incomes of over 6 million USD. Large and medium commercial farms account for about 70% of production with the remaining produced by small holders. Pineapple production in Ghana covers over 8,000 acres of land and is predominant in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Central and Volta regions of the country. The varieties usually produced are sugarloaf, smooth cayenne and MD2.

Author: Eric Amoako Agyare
Organization: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Year: 2010
Country/ies: Faroe Islands
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Case study
Content language: English

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