Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Contributions for a model for sustainable management of community tourism in the andean region

A new tourist modality, the community tourism, has strongly appeared in the countries of the Andean region of Latin America, mainly in Ecuador. The present document identifies and analyzes the aspects that distinguish the community tourism as tourist modality, the model of tourist development in which it is framed and the central elements that should be considered to the design and implementation of a strategy of intervention of the community tourism, so as to contribute to the future construction of a Model of Sustainable Management of the Community Tourism.

Title of publication: Gestión Turística
Volume: 10
ISSN: 0717 – 1811
Page range: 77-90
Author: Gabriel Inostroza V
Organization: Fundación CODESPA
Other organizations: Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)
Year: 2008
Country/ies: Ecuador
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Journal article
Content language: Spanish

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