我们的妇女和粮食主权物品收件箱中包含处理当地和区域粮食市场的好几篇文章. 为了给你一个关于种种市场机会意见和妇女所面临的约束, 我们总结了一些用品.
Title of publication: 可持续农业 - 妇女与粮食主权
Author: Mamadou Gaye
Other authors: Lesley Hope, Nune Sarukhanyan, Edward Owusu Tenadu, Sabrina Regmi
Organization: Centre for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge
Year: 2011
Country/ies: Armenia, Ghana, Mauritania, Nepal
Geographical coverage: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia
Type: Magazine article
Full text available at: http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/magazines/china/3-2010-01-28/8d2767b64e0a768498df54c1-5e02573a4e0a76844e3b6743/at_download/article_pdf
Content language: Chinese (Simplified)