Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Farm-Success project summary report

Training farmers for sustainable succession processes

This report is a background brief of current succession processes on family farms in Europe, consisting of data gathered from questionnaires and open interviews, to inform the Farm-Success Project. Family farms represent an important resource throughout Europe, which help reduce unemployment rates, tackle demographic challenges of European farming and maintain and improve the social, economic and cultural sustainability of rural areas. A key factor in family farming is the succession process; the intention of family members to hand the farm over to the next generation is essential for the continuation of the farm. The Farm-Success Project develops strategies to train farmers for a sustainable succession process in order to enable and to motivate young farmers to continue the family business of their parents. This report is a compilation of national data on current succession practices on family farms from those countries involved in the Farm-Success Project (the EU, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic and Slovenia). This includes an analysis of results from each participating country, as well as a summary of the research findings.

Author: The Farm-Success Project Team
Year: 2016
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Report
Content language: English

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