The Profitability of Seasonal Mountain Dairy Farming in Norway
Summer mountain dairy farming has a long tradition in Norway. At the same time it seems to be more interest in seasonal mountain processing expected due to:
- Health aspects of mountain products may be important for demand
- Grazing is to be promoted due to animal welfare concerns
- The risks are probably related to product quality and authenticity of mountain products as well as over-expansion and declining prices Investing in a common pasture in the mountain will save time during summer and pays slightly higher earnings per h Investing in a dairy co-operative is unprofitable due to losses of subsidies unless the time saved have a substantial alternative value
The economics of scale is counteracted with policy instruments aiming to preserve the farm structure
Seasonal processing of the milk in the mountain may be a viable strategy on smaller family farms as the economy may be substantially better than any of the alternatives
Publisher: (NILF) Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Author: Hanne Sickel
Other authors: Tor Lunnan, Leif-Jarle Asheim
Organization: Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute
Other organizations: Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Arable Crop Division,
Year: 2015
Country/ies: Norway
Geographical coverage: Europe and Central Asia, European Union (European Union)
Type: Case study
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Content language: Norwegian