Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Land tenure regularization in Rwanda

Good practices in land reform

Across Africa, governments grapple with the challenge of designing appropriate policies that foster development and strike a balance between current and future development goals. In the natural resources sectors the challenge is further exacerbated by sustainable development concerns. Ensuring that the economic value derived delivers inter-generational value is an important goal but a difficult challenge to overcome. Environmentally, the carbon footprint resulting from natural resources exploitation and its potentially adverse effects is easier to understand than it is to address from a policy perspective. Socially, governments are challenged to design inclusive policies by harmonizing the divergent interests of different groups. Yet a number of countries have managed to come up with policies that increasingly demonstrate a move towards sustainable development principles. Through a series of policy review reports, the African Development Bank’s African Natural Resources Center (ANRC) will document responses by regional governments to these policy challenges and opportunities across several sectors. The goal is to use these reports to promote peer learning and facilitate informed policy reforms by using experiences of other countries to increase knowledge. Internally, the Center will use the information to assist other Bank departments to overcome policy challenges and opportunities and implement the Bank’s “High 5” priorities successfully. To this end, ANRC partnered with the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPARRwanda), a Rwanda-based think tank, to review land tenure policy, laws and institutions in the “Land Tenure Regularization in Rwanda: Good Practices in Land Reform” study. The historic and contemporary responses emanating from this review have useful lessons for others confronted by similar cultural and economic challenges. This report would not have been possible without the contribution of the ANRC team made up of James Opio-Omoding, Dieter Gijsbrechts and Mehdi Khouili. The contribution by Alfred R. Bizoza, Director of Research and the research team at IPAR-Rwanda for their commitment in writing this case study was invaluable.

Organization: African Development Bank (AfDB)
Year: 2017
Country/ies: Rwanda
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Report
Content language: English

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