Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Learning Journey on LSPA in Lebanon

Learning Journey on Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers in Lebanon, November 22-25, 2017

Urgenci, the international network of Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers (LSPA) and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). As part of the 3-year mutual commitment, the Mediterranean network, including members of Urgenci and their allies, Terre et Humanisme, has recently implemented two Learning Journeys for the Urgenci Mediterranean network, where members of national networks around the Mediterranean Basin have been able to carry out field trips in Turkey and Lebanon to gain a deeper understanding of the realities and challenges of the networks in these countries, share ideas, and compare them with their own practice. The Learning Journeys were supported by FAO’s through the modality of South-South cooperation among  Non-State Actors. Outcomes of the activities will help to jointly structure the future capacity-building tools and programme planned for 2018.

 22/11/2017 - 25/11/2017
Lieu: Lebanon
Auteur: Urgenci
Autres autheurs: International network of Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology between producers and consumers (LSPA) and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Soils Permaculture Association,
Organisation: Urgenci
Autres organisations: Soils Permaculture Association
Année: 2017
Pays: Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Türkiye
Couverture géographique: Union du Maghreb arabe (UMA), Union européenne
Type: Conférence/Réunion
Langue: English
