For a system of fair trade which favours rural farming organisations
Since the end of the eighties, fair trade has experienced a considerable boom and development which without doubt reaches well beyond the expectations of those who were behind the initial launch. AVSF has seen the impact of Max Havelaar-Flo fair trade labelling in working alongside an important number of Producers’ organisations in southern countries (more than 50 today). However, the basis of fair trade has been overwhelmed due to an important increase in commercial growth, the inclusion of new modes of production, the increased participation of food industry multinationals and large distribution as well as the new systems of certification. These changes are at the root of questions arising for the small producers in the South and for consumers in the North. Produced by AVSF, this reference text intends to make an active contribution to works and debates upon present and future challenges for fair trade, and advocates for a fair trade that favours always and before any other consideration, producers’ organisations.