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FAO - Global Soil Doctors Programme

A farmer-to-farmer training platform 

The Global Soil Doctors Programme is a farmer-to-farmer training initiative that aims to build the capacity of farmers on sustainable soil management while supporting national governments and stakeholders in addressing the needs of their rural communities. This online platform provides support for farmers, policy makers, development planners, agricultural extension workers, NGOs, private sectors and any other practitioner/stakeholder interested in transmitting the importance of soil as a vital resource.

The implementation of the Programme at the country level relies on the collaboration with a national promoting institution, called the 'Promoter', that ensures the implementation, scaling-up and sustainability of the programme in the long-term.

Besides the Promoters, anyone can join the Global Soil Doctors Programme using the online educational material and guidelines to train farmers.

Auteur: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Organisation: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Année: 2023
Type: Site web
Langue: English
