My Farm - A Model Business for Romania’s Agriculture in the West part of the Country
Ianco Zifceak is one of the people who know his agriculture. Immediately after the Revolution, five hectares of agricultural land was returned to his parents and then he bought and rented other hectares, so as in 2004 he worked approximately 200 hectares with his brother Ioji. But he practices the most important job in the world, i.e. agriculture, beginning with 1993 and the significant increase in the worked surfaces began in 2004 when the Maxagro company purchased efficient machinery, using European money from the SAPARD Programme. Up to now, the 42 years old Ianco Zifceak says he invested tens of millions of Euro in agriculture.
Title of publication: Rural Romania
Issue: 35
ISSN: 2393-123x
Nombre de pages: 27-30
Organisation: Romanian Rural Development Network
Année: 2015
Pays: Romania
Type: Article de revue
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English