Women in family farming at the semiarid of Northern Minas Gerais
Social division of labor and gender in jaíba project
This work deals with the situation of women’s life and work in family farming in the North of Minas Gerais semiarid, focusing on the work social division and gender in the Jaíba Project. In this context the Step I was chosen inthis project in the area A: NS1 and NS2 as the locus of this thesis including the following objectives: to analyze the dynamics of women's work and gender in family farming in the Jaíba Project (JP); to characterize and analyze the sociodemography and women’s work in the Jaíba Project Perimeter, to analyze women’s work and income in family farming in the project, considering the factors of inclusion/exclusion related to gender; to analyze gender dynamics, social and sexual division of work in the family, in the agricultural activity and women's life situation and work of the JP and finally, to discuss public policy and gender in family farming of the JP from the perspective of female empowerment and rural development. This qualitative study had the participation of women, mediators, family members and associations presidents. There were interviews with a semistructured guideline with twenty two (22) women of the area A, six (6) mediators and six (6) members of the family. There was also a group discussion with other sixteen (16) women members of AMA association. Furthermore, the data were complemented with document information data of the Project, with observation and the field diary. The results showed that the social value attributed to women’s work of the JP show gender inequalities preventing better distribution of domestic tasks among family members reinforcing the paradigm of "naturalization" of work sexual division. The work social division is established in the center of the social, symbolic and cultural representation, consistent with the expected role of women and men. On the one hand, it is noteworthy that in the rural Jaíba somehow and although still weak, some barriers destabilize and gradually postures and attitudes acquire new meaning when considering asymmetric relations of gender. The search of power in the productive and public process and the awakening to women's citizenship emerge as factors that can cause changes in gender relations. However, the perception of favorable aspects of social exclusion and gender in the JP were more pronounced as the limited social participation ofwomen in public spaces is an invisibility factor of female performance and recognition of their role with equity and the difficulties regarding the mechanism for the rural credit operation and specifically Pronaf-Mulher. These reflections lead to the perception that barriers for obtaining rural credit is related to access and accessibility to the media, sustained in pedagogies capable of producing effects of knowledge-power for women. Anyway, life and work situation of women also undergoes stringent changes in gender, social and family dynamics in the broader context of the JP.