Rural reality check in Montenegro
Agriculture dominates the rural economy. Pastures and meadows occupy 90% of the farmland and the remaining 10% is mainly devoted to horticulture, vineyards and orchards. The structure of farming is dominated by small family farms, which provide all or most of their income for over 50,000 rural households, many of whom live at subsistence or semi-subsistence level. These farms have an average size of 5 ha, very often fragmented into a number of small plots, with little modern machinery and limited use of fertilizers and pesticides. A majority of farmers are in the older age group, with low levels of education. Food chains on local and regional level are weak, much feed and food is imported from former Yugoslavian countries.
Title of publication: Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
Nombre de pages: 32-37
Organisation: EU Agriculture and Rural development
Année: 2014
Pays: Montenegro
Couverture géographique: Europe et l'Asie centrale
Type: Article de revue
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English