Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Benefits of Short Food Supply Chains for the Development of Rural Tourism in Romania as Emergent Country During Crisis

The current paper analyses the way the short food supply chain can positively influence the development of the rural tourism, with economic, social and environment benefits, as well as the harmonious and sustainable development of the rural communities. Numerous examples offered by the developed countries prove that, for the well-known rural tourism destinations, the key of success can be ensured by the natural and cultural landscape of the area, by the existence of a local gastronomic identity, by the collective involvement of rural communities and of local authorities. Another important success factor is the development of local short supply chains. The innovating character of these chains, as it is proved by numerous researchers in the field, can bring a new flavor to the gastronomic activities within consecrated tourism areas. The presented case study (Viscri village) is an example of sustainable development of rural tourism and of local patrimony preservation, and at the same time a lesson to be learned by all the dwellers of traditional Romanian houses.

Title of publication: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Auteur: Lucian Tanasa
Année: 2014
Pays: Romania
Couverture géographique: Union européenne
Type: Article de revue spécialisée
Langue: English
