Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Research Report on Farmer Cooperatives in Georgia

The present paper is the product of research on cooperatives in Georgia carried out by Elkana from August to October 2016 in the framework of the AGROinform-led IFAD-funded project “Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova” The goal of the research is to provide valuable information on horticultural producers' cooperation in Georgia and provide analytical material for supporting elaboration of the policies, recommendations and learning documents.

Auteur: G.Sirbiladze, N.Memarnishvili
Organisation: ELKANA
Autres organisations: Ifad, AgroInform
Année: 2016
Pays: Georgia
Couverture géographique: Europe et l'Asie centrale
Type: Rapport
Langue: English
