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Fisheries in Samoa receive boost

The development of the Fisheries sector in Samoa received a boost with the launching of four major initiatives.


Speaking at the launch which took place in July, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr Leuatea Schmidt highlighted the challenges that face the industry. “The challenges include increasing monitoring in an effort to reduce uncontrolled fishing on the high seas and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing operations that have an impact on this valuable fishery,” he said.

 The Minister outlined the government’s commitment over the next five years to develop and manage tuna resources to maximize economic and social benefits through the National Tuna Management and Development Plan 2017 – 2021.

Организация: Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations
Год: 2017
Страна/страны: Samoa
Географический охват: Азии и Тихого океана
Категория: Статья в блоге
Язык контента: English

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