The smallholder farmers of Uganda
More than 70% of people in Uganda work in agriculture. The country has more than three and a half million family farms, and many of its smallholders are among the poorest people in the world. Ironically and tragically, they are also the people who most often suffer from hunger; 37.5% of the population lives below the poverty line of 1.25 dollar per day (other sources draw that line at 1.80 dollar).
This is all important and useful information for the leaderships of political parties and for governments, but mere statistics have little relevance for the people concerned. Along with two local NGOs, we visited dozens of farming families, filmed them and noted down their hope-giving stories.
Title of publication: Resilience Food Stories
Автор: Ruud Sies and Hanneke van Hintum
Организация: Resilience Food Stories
Год: 2023
Страна/страны: Uganda
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Статья в блоге
Полный текст:
Язык контента: English